Muscle & Fitness: 101 Workouts


Introducing variety into your routine is key to growth, whether in the form of new exercises, set and reps schemes, or training techniques. Perhaps you don’t want to overhaul your whole training routine but only tweak it a little. In that case, try some new exercises. With almost 200 fully illustrated moves in this guide, you can trade out an exercise or two in your current workout and learn how to tweak some things you already know!

With almost 200 fully illustrated moves in this guide, you can trade out an exercise or two in your current workout.

101 different programmes delivered straight to you from the exercise experts at MUSCLE & FITNESS.


Learn how to build more muscle while you get in shape!


This Muscle & Fitness eMagazine is a 2002-2003 publication and therefore may contain invalid links, which we do not advise full expectation of. This is solely offered and intended for the purpose of its valuable workout content and valid information.


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