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This Free Bonus EBook – Training & Nutrition Insider Secrets for a Lean-Body, created by Certified Nutrition Specialist & Personal Trainer Mike Geary, is valued at $17.99; containing unique workout methods and nutritional strategies to slash body fat and take your body to a whole new level of leanness, it details over 27 specific metabolism-boosting secrets that you can use to strip off your stubborn body fat faster and easier.
Peace to You and Welcome! *******UPDATE*******Please visit our new platform, BRAINS OVER BODY CONSULTING DIGITAL AND INFORMATION PUBLISHING FIRM*******Thank You for your patience as our 2-woman team (Mother & daughter) works diligently to improve your experience and ensure greater accessibility for all. OFFER BOWSS USA is currently being merged with two of our other platforms so you'll be able to find much more all in one place and as we grow we'll be able to focus on providing more value without the extra nonsense. We've simply decided to let you see it as it happens! I'll be sending all of our legitimate Subscribers an email sooner than later (Yes!, I know, you're not used to that from me, but I will be reaching out once I get things in greater order to be of any help I may to you.) We Really appreciate you guys for staying down with us and would like to Thank You every chance we get! I see all of you beautiful people coming through and if you'd like to Subscribe or have an account with us Please, be so kind to visit our new site address and handle it there. You all are amazing, for even taking the time to be bothered. We're so excited to Welcome you guys to our new site it's hard for me to contain myself in the meantime!!! Your patience is SO wonderfully kind. We're hurrying guys and doing the very best that we can to provide you with a better ongoing experience. Stay in courage and be encouraged. Shyne Dismiss